
Saturday 22 September 2012

Lingerie used to be a small niche interest to women (and men!) just a decade or so ago. Or perhaps should I say - we were a lot more reticent to admit our love for lingerie back then. Perhaps because lingerie seller themselves colluded in our reserve by making such items so hard to find - many items were mail-order only.

Nowadays, it has all changed. Lingerie has become typical thanks largely to the internet and also a few chain stores who have taken lingerie to the high street. Now cheap lingerie can also be bought online too, sure - and there's never been choicer than there is today - even the lingerie niche itself has many sub-niches, with websites dedicate themselves to the different microfiche within lingerie.

Lingerie is now normal - it's just another niche in the fashion industry. Export lingerie is now done without any fear before mortification - we've realized how silly it was to be uncomfortable to buy an item of clothing just because of its friendly nature. And the great maxim of trade business holds true: if the public want a product enough, then that product will become easily available - no better example than looking at lingerie.

However, because we've "come out" for our love of lingerie, it's become amazing we don't just buy explicitly - we discuss it openly too. Go online and you'll find one lingerie blog after another - discuss the special aspects of this position


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